Essential Advice For Getting Your Conservatory Ready For Spring

It might seem like it’s been a long time coming, but the spring is almost upon us; our cars aren’t frosted over in the mornings, temperatures are starting to hit double figures and we’re actually starting to feel the warmth of the sun, instead of just being blinded by it on our drive home.

With that in mind, preparations need to be made to make the most of the warmer weather, and if you have a conservatory then that’s the place to start. These top tips will help you transform your conservatory from a cold, uninviting room that’s been neglected to a vibrant, warm and welcoming relaxation spot.

Revitalise The Design & Introduce Plant Life

Interior design is an important aspect of any room in your house, whether it’s something you simply do subconsciously or something you set out to change or do a particular way. Spring designs are all about making your conservatory feel relaxing and inviting, as well as fairly light and bright – much like the weather and landscapes outside.

Soft blues, creams, greens and yellows work well as choices for colour schemes, and can be applied to everything from your painted walls and floor tiles to upholstery and furniture. We stock a huge selection of floor tiles, and you’ll be bound to find something in our range that fits your new bright design.

Plant life and flowers can also be introduced to complement your colour scheme, as well as adding to the relaxing nature of your conservatory. Look for plants with pastel-coloured flowers, such as tulips or African lilies.

Refresh Your Conservatory’s Flooring

This can tie in with the interior design section of this article, but changing our conservatory’s flooring can simply be a way to refurbish something that’s perhaps looking a bit old and tired and in need of an overhaul. When it comes to flooring in your conservatory, especially in the warmer temperatures of spring and summer, then wood flooring and carpets can often be not so great a choice – they have a tendency to fade and be affected far more by the direct sunlight and the heat of the sun than other kinds of flooring.

Quality stone or ceramic tiles from our range of floor tiles here at Raynesway Tile Warehouse will help you transform any conservatory into something far more appealing and inviting. We stock a wide selection of styles and colours, allowing you to pick the right design for your home. Combined with our quality underfloor heating systems, you won’t ever want to leave you conservatory!

Call us today on 01332 75 70 70 to discuss your options and for some expert advice on tiling your conservatory.


Featured Image: Flickr – Martin LaBar

Invisible Comfort: The Benefits Of Underfloor Heating In Your Home

A luxury once reserved for the comfortably well-off, underfloor heating is no longer an unreachable dream for your home. Now more efficient and affordable than it’s ever been, underfloor heating can be the perfect addition to your home.

Although it’s particularly popular to install in bathrooms, where you usually have to tiptoe across cold tiles or laminate, the reduction in cost and increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of modern systems mean that it’s an ideal heating choice for any number of rooms in your house.

Saves Space

The beauty of underfloor heating is in the name – while the fact that it’s underneath your floor is one of the reasons why it’s so effective, it also means that you can comfortably heat any room in your house with a system that’s hidden and literally takes up no extra room.

By ditching bulky radiators in favour of any of our underfloor heating systems here at Raynesway Tile Warehouse, you’re able to open up your bathroom, living room or bedroom up with some welcome additional space.

Effective & Efficient Heating

By radiating heat from the ground up, instead of heating from the centre of the room like most conventional radiators, underfloor heating systems actually allow you to feel the benefit of the systems output.

As such, you get a much more noticeable heating benefit in lower areas of the room, whereas conventional radiators would leave floors cold and waste energy by heating more towards the ceiling. Plus, if you install underfloor heating in your bathroom, nothing beats stepping onto pre-heated floors first thing in the morning!

Lowers Heating Bills

This really rolls on from the fact that underfloor systems run much more efficiently than their radiator cousins – by heating your rooms more effectively with less energy used, your bills will be lower. It’s really as simple as that! Savings can be anything small such as under 15%, or as high as 40%, depending on the cost and effectiveness of your current heating system.

If you’re looking to reduce your heating bills, but at the same time increase the efficiency of your home’s heating system, then look no further than the underfloor heating ranges we offer here at Raynesway Tile Warehouse.

Our friendly knowledgeable team can help you pick the right size and type of system that meets your needs. Call us today on 01332 75 70 70 for expert advice and information on our full range of systems.